House is often considered as a safety net where you are away from all the dangers of the world. But is that true? Well, if properly taken care of this can be the case, on the contrary, there are a few mistakes we all make and a few that we ignore that can often lead to big mishaps. Be it the small crack on the slab you saw and forgot to give a call to Slab Leak Repair In Escondido or be it the toys lying around your household before your toddlers you forgot to pick, each one can lead to an unpredictable result. So read on and find some common hazards we often see around but fail to attend to it.
Common hazards:
1. Fires:
Almost 68% of households are prone to fire hazards. These fires can be ignited from faulty switches to an unattended candle that is left burning. They can cause huge destruction to your house and severely damage the property.
Ways to avoid:
Fire alarms:
Install fire alarms of fire detectors inside the premises of the house. These will detect any kind of smoke or even an electric fault and help you to know about the fire beforehand.
Unplug appliances:
After you have used the appliance unplug them. If any appliances have frayed wires replace then in time these can often lead to fires.
Apart from the above keep a fire extinguisher handy so that if there is any small fire you can control it within time. Do not leave a candle unattended near clothes or drapes.

2. Toxic gas release:
Though not an obvious cause this leads to a greater problem, the gas is extremely hard to detect just by the smell. A Slab water Leak Repair Escondido once registered a case where water leaks from slab generated molds which decomposed producing carbon monoxide this lead to nauseousness and fatal blindness. These gases are also released from water heaters and air conditioners thus check these devices for any possible leaks.
Ways to avoid:
CO detectors:
This helps in detecting any leakage of gases inside the house and raises an alarm if found so.
Maintain the household devices:
Make sure all the devices that run on fuels and gases are properly checked and turned off when not in use.
3. Cracks in the slab:
Slab leaks are a common phenomenon experienced by new or old houses these often are seen through cracks of the slab. If the cracks are ignored they can make the entire structure hollow and could lead to the collapse of the roof.
If you find any signs of slab leaks immediately contact Slab Leak Repair In Escondido to get them checked before any further damage.
Ways to avoid:
Check for leakages:
If you see some pooling of water or a damped floor be sure to check the cause for the leakage this will mitigate the risk of collapses if treated on time.
Other such hazards could be drowning in water, checking on toys or wires that are hanging, falling from stairs or high roofs, burning, and many more. Even though your house is your safety net do not ignore the simple problems and do not forget to make a call to Slab Water Leak Repair Escondido, this will make sure you are safe and lead a healthy life.