Slab leakages are where a pipe network that runs deep inside slabs and foundations undergo leakages due to corrosion, natural disasters, high water pressure or faulty construction. Only professionals have the equipment and tools to detect and repair slab leakages. If you are a home or building owner, you can take some precautions to avoid slab leakages. Slab leakages can cause irreparable and irreversible damage to the plumbing system and the building’s structure. Hence, it is very crucial to follow these precautions to save your building from undergoing such challenges.
Here are a few precautions that can avoid slab leaks
1. Employ efficient and reliable construction contractors
Slab leaks affect the foundation. If a construction company is not transparent and reliable, they end up using low-quality pipes for the slabs. As repairing slab leaks is not an easy task, strong pipes must be placed within. Make sure you employ the right team of builders to avoid such an issue.

2. Use permissible water pressure level
There is a permissible level of water pressure that the pipes can bear. A water pressure beyond that permissible level will affect the pipes. The pipes will undergo wear and tear quickly and be damaged in no time. The first sign of such an issue will be tiny cracks appearing in the pipes. These tiny cracks will progress into bigger ones. Look out for such leaks in your piping system before they affect the sturdy pipes in the slabs
3. Treat hard water
Hard water can damage slab pipes and plumbing systems. A Slab Leak Repair in san Diego will help you install a water softener to avoid slab leakages and foundation damage occurring due to hard water.
4. Do not use chemical drain cleaners
Many owners make use of chemical components to clean the interiors of the pipes. You need to avoid using such chemical cleaners. The chemical cleaners will start affecting the quality of your pipes and they start corroding gradually. The professionals from Slab Leak Repair in san Diego will make use of snake cables to clear out the clogs.