What are slab leaks?
The word slab leak is an industrial term. It is used to describe leaks that happen in the pipes that run under your slabs. The slab is the foundation of your house and leaks happening below it can be dangerous and destructive. You need to be conscious and careful about slab leaks.
How do you identify slab leaks?
· Cracks in the walls
If there are cracks in your house walls you need to be careful. They can be an indicator of slab leaks.
· Sound of running water
If you hear voices of running water in your house then it could be slab leaks. To reassure check if all your water sources are off and yet if you can hear voices it is definitely slab leaks. You need to call slab leak repair San Diego.

High water bills
If there is an unusual hike in your water bills, it could be due to slab leaks. Slab leaks can lead to waste of water in the pipes causing hike in water bills.
· Wet floors
If you feel your floor or your house mat id getting wet, beware it could be slab leaks. You can even call a proper technician and get it checked.
· Hot spots
If you feel any warm or hot spots in the house which are unusual, check if you have slab leaks. There could be a leak in your hot pipes, which is leading to unusual warm spots in your houses. If you're unsure, call a technician and get rid of your worry.
· Unpleasant smells
If you are constantly getting unpleasant smells in your house and can’t find the source of the smell get your slab pipes checked.
· Mildew
If you find any mildew in your walls or flooring it could be slab leaks. Water leaking could cause moist areas in the walls leading to formation of fungus. If you are unsure, get it checked by a plumber.
If you are encountering any of these issues, get your under slab water pipes checked for any leaks by slab leak repair San Diego . Its better to be always safe than sorry.